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Dennis Rotch

Time for some PLAIN talk

Updated: May 16

Originally, PLAIN was known as Pine Lake Association of Neighbors or PLAN.   Mayor Mike Stuckey, (circa 1995) co-opted PLAN.  Mayor Mike added ‘Involved' and PLAN became Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors or PLAIN.

When Linda and I first moved here, year 2000, we joined PLAIN; the dues, $35 a year.   A Board Member of the organization explained the purpose of the Association; as I recall, went something like this: PLAIN members get to decide what the City’s agenda and order of priorities.  What I am describing here is a politically motivated home owners association; a welcome wagon of glad handers.   At that time the “Involved Neighbors” was not classified as a 501-C3 non-profit organization.   

The Association of Involved Neighbors plotted the removal of the popular Mayor Al Fowler(circa 2001).   Fowler, at that time was the first openly gay Mayor of a city in Georgia.  Fowler’s removal split the Association and the town. Two council members resigned in protest to Mayor Fowler’s removal and formed a “Lakers” group to counter the Involved Neighbors.  In the election to replace Mayor Fowler, the Laker group candidate, Greg Zarus, won the election.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this missive, it was Mayor Mike that set up the Association of Involved Neighbors; there-by, creating a  wedge that divided the constituency into two camps, those who are ‘Involved’  and those who are, allegedly, not ‘involved.’  As a member of PLAIN, according to the narrative, you achieve a special status..

All of us are involved, not because of a PLAIN membership but because we share a common aspiration for truth and justice,  we share creativity, we share a location, we share the burden of property taxes; these are unities of the community.  An Association of Involved Neighbors does not define a community.  The Association; however, enables cronyism, a form of in-group favoritism, especially between council persons and the supportive organization, that leads to abuse of power and to corruption.  The Association of Involved Neighbors has a number of charitable endeavors: food pantry, library and raises money to help people.  Given the Association’s glaring divisive flaw, the good deeds amount to the put of lipstick on the proverbial pig.

  When I look at PLAIN and see officers of the organization using the organization to advance their political aspirations, I am appalled.  The goal that PLAIN has set for its Involved Neighbors is to control our City government and that is not a ‘charitable’ goal.

Dennis Rotch


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